上海新疆風味飯店 and open 24 hours!
They have live performances there as well, and they pull people up to dance with them, especially foreigners. It's pretty damn awesome haha.
One of the best beer I've ever had, 新疆啤酒 (Sinkiang Beer), and this is the only restaurant that serves it. It's a dark ale but it's sooo smooth. Think of Guiness but not as... creamy I guess haha.
So we ordered this... lamb hind quarters, and they just use their hands and knives to rip the meat off for us and serve it with dipping sauce. So tender and succulent.
Of course, lamb skewers, with the traditional spices: cumin and red chili powder.
Yea, we ordered like.. 120 of them hahah.
I used to hate lamb and would never touch it. Not anymore haha.
P.S. Sorry for the shitty pictures, I just couldn't make my hands still cause I was so excited hahah. MEAT!
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